Monday, March 30, 2009


1)I eat fruit and vegetable and many more.......2)Adult and children like to eat pizza,fried chicken and potatochip and many more..........3)It is best to eat healthily because there are vitamin and nutrient and many more ......4)The diseases that unhealthy food will cause us is cancer ,kidey problem and liver problem and many more.................5)The benefits is that there are lots of vitamin ,it give us energy and many more................6)yes, i like to eat fruit and vegetable because they are juicy, crunchy,and it give us lot of energy and many more......7)yes,because i want school children to eat more fruit and vegetable so that theye won't get sick easily,grow strong and many more.......8)I think i will just ask then to buy fruit from the vegetable and fruit stall , and if they do they will get a card ,and i will see which student has more card so that the student is the victory.

Monday, March 23, 2009


1)Eath hour is to save the earth.2)It is held in 27-28 march .3) theyorganise because they don't want to get mess at singapore. 4)They will try their best to save electricity during the event.5)I can ask them join the event.6)I think the another probelm is that people litter around places.7)I think i will try to put poster to remind them to stop the littering.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I was involved in 6 activity from monday to sunday.I was involved in 1 activity everyday.Ispend around 2 hour in each activity.I think i am poor at these subject.I am taking in this subject because i am poor at it.Idon't think it will afect my study because i have a lt of time.yes it is stress because i can have 2 hour rest.yes ,because some of them are poor in some of their subject.