Tuesday, September 9, 2008

is reading important?

reading is important because it help us to learn.i usually read comic book.i read around 32book in a month iread because it hep me to learn.iwill read tom and jerry

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

why i am proud of singapore

i was proud of singapore because there are many thing we can do we do not fight we coprate we can play we have food to eat there are many thing in singapore there why i am proud of singapore

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


cyberbulling is maybe bullying people in school ,ask other people to gang upand bully,at computer other people tell you the account that they have you tell another people their account without their permission&at computer tell other people to don be another people friend i think it is not right to do cyberbullying

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


today i had creat my blogger i am very happy but i want to make a blogskin but i don know how to make it .1 ]netiquette is doing something bad 2] i will report tomy mum if i receive a spam 3] i will tll him to stopsenting the spam